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台風9号接近中 Typhoon 9 approaching







Good evening everyone.

At present, it seems that typhoon No. 9 will be closest to Okinawa Prefecture early in tomorrow afternoon and late in tomorrow night. So tomorrow, we are planning to open as usual for now!

There is a possibility that the typhoon will speed up, so we will inform you again on the homepage and official LINE around 8 am tomorrow.If you plan to have lessons tomorrow, please be sure to visit the homepage or official LINE around 8 am tomorrow.

Depending on the progress of the typhoon tomorrow, it may close earlier, so please check the website and official LINE frequently im the afternoon.

There is a possibility that this typhoon will approach Okinawa Prefecture as it develops, so please be prepared for typhoon measures having drinking water and emergency food at home.

I hope that this typhoon will not cause major damage. I will inform you again tomorrow around 8 am.




お知らせ❗ Notice❗

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